0-10: The sun is changing sizes and glowing yellow rays while the keg rolls over to the left
10-20: In this shot again the sun is moving, the men carrying the keg make there way from screen left to right.
20-30: In this image the sun falls bellow the horizon and the men pour ice all over the kegs to keep them cool. The sun is animated as well as the ice bags are raised (rotated) to there position.
30-40: In this shot the stars should be flashing and the person moves from left to right to get closer to the beer. The camp fire is also lit and moving.
40-50: The person is filling his beer at the keg. The moon and stars are still flashing and the beer is flowing from the tap, once the beer starts to flow the image is zoomed in (Scale). The tap also moves up and down getting pumped.
50-60: This is the final party scene, there are two people playing beer prong with a ball flying back and forth, and the cups will be disapearing. There is also someone that will be (Rotated) and held upside down doing a keg stand. The moon and stars are still flashing and holding a glow.